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    ГККП “Актюбинский

    музыкальный колледж

    им А. Жубанова"

  • CONCEPT OF EDUCATIONAL WORK for the years 2019-2024

    The present Concept of educational work for 2019-2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) of the Aktobe Music College named after A. Zhubanov (hereinafter referred to as the College) was developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, the comprehensive planning for strengthening the educational component of the learning process in all educational organizations “, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 06/29/2012  №873, the Conceptual foundations of education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 15.04.2019, №145,  30.05.2019, №252 the Charter and the mission of the College.

    The main goal:

    the education of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality on the basis of universal and national values.


    – to promote the formation of a patriot and a citizen capable of living in a new democratic society;

    – to form political, legal and anti-corruption culture of the person, to promote growth of legal consciousness of children and youth, their readiness to resist displays of cruelty and violence;

    – to promote the formation of spiritual, moral and ethical principles of the person, its moral qualities and attitudes consistent with the norms and traditions of life of the Kazakh society;

    -to facilitate the orientation on universal and national values, respect for native language and culture of the Kazakh people and ethnic groups of Kazakhstan;

    – to form labor skills, economic thinking of the person, conscious attitude to professional self-determination;

    – to develop ecological culture;

    to form the motivational space providing development of intellectual opportunities, leadership qualities and giftedness of each person, to promote formation of its information culture;

    – to promote the creation of a multicultural environment in the College, to form General cultural skills of behavior, to develop the readiness of the individual to the perception, development, evaluation of aesthetic objects in art and reality;

    – to create space for effective formation of skills of a healthy lifestyle, preservation of physical and psychological health, ability to define the factors causing harm to health.

    The main directions of educational work of the College:

    1. education of Kazakhstan patriotism and citizenship, legal education;

    2. spiritual and moral education;

    3. national education;

    4. family education;

    5. labor, economic and environmental education;

    6. multicultural and artistic and aesthetic education;

    7. intellectual education, education of information culture;

    8. physical education, healthy lifestyle.

    Management structure of educational process in College

    Thus, the present Concept is aimed at the formation of A College graduate-a person harmonious, comprehensively developed, possessing formed spiritual and moral qualities, ready to make decisions in a situation of choice, capable of cooperation and intercultural interaction, having a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, actively participating in achieving the main goal of the Strategy “Kazakhstan − 2050” − Mangilik El.

    Дизайн и разработка Медиа-агентства "АктобеИНФО"